Karen Jefress - Trainer and Assessor in Fashion Design at Australian Pacific College

Karen Jeffress

Trainer and Assessor in Fashion Design

The thing I love most about my role at Australian Pacific College is the fascinating students. Their diversity and backgrounds make for such interesting classes.

I’ve been teaching for APC for just under a year, having taught for over 10 years and worked as a course coordinator and educational designer. Background in manufacturing (wholesale) since the mid ’90s, specialising in sportswear and swimwear. Currently work in product development for small fashion labels.

Industry Experience

  • Product development
  • Teacher for more than 10 years
  • Course coordinator
  • Educational designer
  • Wholesale manufacturing


  • Certificate IV in Training & Assessment
  • Advanced Diploma of Applied Fashion Design & Merchandising
  • Diploma of Business

Favourite Quote

“Effort counts twice.”

– Georgia Bonora