Angelika’s Story – Human Resources Play video Angelika – Human Resources APC has moved me to becoming a purposeful individual – thank you for making me the student I am now.Related Articles Helio,one of our Diploma of Social Media Marketing students, discusses the “why” behind his choice of course with APC.Helio – Diploma of Social Media Marketing The teachers and staff are professional, well prepared and really kind – it makes APC different from other schools.Karla – Project Management I can now speak fluent English confidently all thanks to APC for providing the free PLUS classes.Anton – Diploma in Accounting A wonderful thing about APC is its commitment and passion towards delivering the best possible educational experience for students.Hanweddige – Human Resources The teachers gave me the tools to understand market behaviour, create new ideas and strategies for my clients.Miguel – Social Media Marketing I learned techniques and methods that not only improved my brand but also my way of communicating with people.Lismara – Social Media Marketing I love the real life experiences and personal knowledge the teachers bring to the classrooms.Matias – Marketing and Communications Rodrigo, one of our Diploma of Travel and Tourism Management students, discusses his journey with APC and the valuable real-world experience gained through our ProjectBase program.Rodrigo – Diploma of Travel and Tourism Teachers have market experience and can bring real experiences to the classroom - I could not be happier thanks APC.Polyana – Project Management